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Below are some codes to help you complete your work


1ST-  Add an opening page as per Checklist 1 Step 2

ADD- Add more from the brief. 1-2 sentences.

ADJ- This report is about 1 sector now and 2 products  so adjust

AGE- Do we need to think abit more here about age?  SEE EXAMPLE

ANA- Add your analysis here and use the checklist to help   SEE EXAMPLE

ANA1- Does the product meet the needs of the audience? How? Explain?  SEE EXAMPLE

ANA2- Expand more on the analysis of the failures of the film? What was the impact? SEE EXAMPLE

ANA3- Add more of your own thoughts and reflections into the analsysis part SEE EXAMPLE

ANA4- Discuss in a summary about the relationship between how the product met or did not meet the purpose and the needs of the audience SEE EXAMPLE

ANA5- Expand more on the analysis of the positives of the film? What was the impact? SEE EXAMPLE

AUD_BOOST- Need to go to town on this! Age, gender, Young and Rubicam, Socio Economic- use YOU GOV etc etc  SEE EXAMPLE

AUD_GE- Talk about the gender more here e.g targetted at  SEE EXAMPLE

AUD_P- I need a paragraph on primary audience- see checklist for this  SEE EXAMPLE

AUD_SI need a paragraph on secondary audience- see checklist for this SEE EXAMPLE

AUD_SE- Ok get in there some socio economic details and YOUGOV SEE EXAMPLE

AUD_STAT- Lets get some stats to prove your audience. Search Yougov and add those stats in  SEE EXAMPLE

AUD_YOU- have you checked Yougov on the audience  SEE EXAMPLE

BACK- Need more on the media products stats, dates about the history, genre, author, director, background etc of the product

BAK- Add in here about Bulmer and Katz user gratification theory on purpose  SEE EXAMPLE

BOOST- Can you add a bit more to upgrade to this part please. See checklist

BW- Better word for this?

CAP- Stop dropping capital letters from product or place names :) 

CH- check this!

CP- Watch your use of capital letters. Either dropping cases or putting capital letters where there shoudnt be

CURR- Add currency £ or $

EH- Does not make sense. Re-write please

EVID- Add evidence to back this up

FAST- You need to work faster as there isnt much content

FO- Font smaller please or adjust font to the rest of the document

FOLO- Larger font centered 

GENRE- SEE EXAMPLE   Lets talk genre a little more here. You need to write about:

a) Whats the genre? Is it hybrid? What is Sub genre?

b) Now discuss what would be the expected to see in that genre (e.g. narrative, mise-en scene, production techniques, representation etc

c) Did this genre subvert it or follow it. Explain your thoughts and give examples

d) What is the result of media product either subverting or using that genre style? 

GENRE_CON- Bit more writing and examples of how the product conforms to that genre SEE EXAMPLE

GENRE_MORE- SEE EXAMPLE Ok a fairly good start on the basics of genre but lets now look at:

a) Now discuss what would be the expected to see in that genre (e.g. narrative, mise-en scene, production techniques, representation etc)

b) Did this genre subvert it or follow it. Explain your thoughts and give examples

c) What is the result of media product either subverting or using that genre style? 

GENRE_WHICH- a) Did this product subvert the genre (go against) or follow it? How?  Explain your thoughts and give examples b) What is the result of media product either subvertting or using that genre style- did it work? Proof in stats?   SEE EXAMPLE

GENRE_REV- what did the critics think of the genre of the film? Did it work? Add quotes and stats to help you SEE EXAMPLE

GOOD- Good start well done. Keep going like this. Use notes etc

HOW- How does it meet that? Explain

INTRO- You need to add an introduction to the report here. See checklist

IMP- What is the impact of this? Explain with your own views, stats and other peoples views

LAY- Sort the layout of this part

LP- Add some more writing on Lifestyle Profile of audience

LI- Link this area together better summarising it. Bit clunky!

ME- To create meaning for the audie4nce

NAME- Add your name   

NARR- Talk about the narrative here  SEE EXAMPLE

NARR_ANA- Do you think the narrative as you described works or not? Explain your thoughts? Are there any stats or views or quotes to back this up?  SEE EXAMPLE

NARR_AND- great start keep going in that style! Talk more about each part of the product not just the opening  SEE EXAMPLE

NARR_SAY- You have said this is in this stage of Todorev's theory but not really linked the story to that stage e.g. you say the story is in that stage but not said how and impact

NARR_BOOST1- You have written "generally" here. Its ok but you need to outline key parts of the narrative and say how each part is either part of the linear or non Linear story. Write about 6-8 sentences!  SEE EXAMPLE

NARR_NON- Ok lets say what type of non linear narrative it is. Explain. Impact on audience  SEE EXAMPLE

NARR_STAGES- if you are saying it is Todorev then you need to have a sentence or two on each of the 5 stages( Equilibrium, Disruption, Recognition, Repair, New Equilbrium) and say how the narrative fits into thatSEE EXAMPLE

NARR_STOR- You are talking very generally about the story but I need more specific examples of the product and how each part is non linear or linear. e.g The start of Episode 1 starts with a battle that sees King Dredd die. This is an example of a cicular narrative and the impact is........... Then we see the story follow a linear pattern where we see the life of the king. The impact to the audience is......

NARR_TOD- Get talking about Todorev! How does each part of the Todorow structure link with the story?  SEE EXAMPLE

NARR_TOD+ - You have described the story brilliantly and mentioned Todorev but not linked each part of the narrative to each of the 5 stages

FF- You are going off on a tangent and not answering the question! Think and rework!

PA- Make a new paragraph here

PRO_BOOST- You need talk about the production techniques:

> Use Of Mise En Scene Techniques To Create Meaning For The Audience
> Use Of Camerawork Techniques Are Used To Create Meaning For The Audience
> Use Of Lighting Techniques Are Used To Create Meaning For The Audience
> Use Of Editing Techniques Are Used To Create Meaning For The Audience
> Use Of Sound Techniques Are Used To Create Meaning For The Audience

PRO_1- Are you confused about what Mis En Scene is? Check and re-write

PRO_2- Lets get talking about costumes! What are they? Are they sterotypical? Impact?

PRO_3- Lets talk about Diagetic and Non Diagetic sound! Impact?

PRO_4- Lets talk about Editing techniques! Impact?

PRO_5- Lets talk about Camerawork technqiues! Impact?

PRO_6- Lets talk about lighting technqiues! Impact?

PRO_SUMM- How do the production techniques overall create meaning for the audience?

PUR- I need a paragraph on purpose- see checklist for this

PUR_BOOST- You have written very very generally. It needs to be 3-4 sentences and talk about a) what you think the purpose is  b) are there hidden meanings or to inform/represent people, place or issue c) talk about Bulmer and Katz user gratification theory on purpose  d) Sum it all up with stats or reviews on where it has met its purpose

PUR_MEET- Tell me if you think the media product has met its purpose? What stats?

RE- Really you think so. Have a think and re-do and write

REL- Now create a conclusion section title here called "Analysing The Relationship Between The Two Products". Looking at the two products you have choosen discuss using great SPAG and in multiple paragraphs the following:

a) Do the two products share the same purpose? What was the same or different and why? Explain why, the impact on the audience and any stats. Look back at your work

b) Do the two products share the same audiences? What was the same or different and why? Explain why, the impact on the audience and any stats. Look back at your work

c) Do the two products share the same success or failures? What was the same or different and why? Explain why, the impact on the audience and any stats. Look back at your work

d) Now summarise a conclusion about the two products drawing on how the  two products relate or not relate to each other in terms of audience and purpose and success. What is the impact overall on the audience?

REM- Remove this

REP- You are repeating yourself. Rewrite  

REPRSEE EXAMPLE Ok so we need to talk about how the media product represents a) people (male, female, young, old...sterotypes?)  b) places (regions/countries/commiunities..........sterotypes?) c) issues and events (poverty/race/religion/sexuality......stereotypes). So for each part does it talk about representation sterotypically or it the media product doing something differently? Is it effectual? Success?

REPR_FIN- Ok so far so good. Sum up the what is the impact of these representations on the audience is? What do reviews say about the media product or the stats to summarise its success or failure. SEE EXAMPLE 

REPR_1- When talking about people being it stereotypical? How do the audience react to this representation? SEE EXAMPLE 

REPR_2- What are the actual issues or events represented? Are there any? Is it done well? Stereotypical? What is the impact on the audience? SEE EXAMPLE 

REPR_3- How are locations or countires or regions represented. Is it done well? Stereotypical? What is the impact on the audience? SEE EXAMPLE 

SEN- Re-write this better. Not making sense

SE- Write about how the products target which socio economic groups 

SE?- Are sure this is the target socio economic group? Think income and class. Wh

SP- Spelling or grammar. Please check

SOYou need a proper source reference like (from website MediaWorld 2018-Article called "SpaceX Had Landed") and not a hyperlink

SPACE- Remove the space or gap

ST- Start this part much better e.g. in summary or in conlcusion

STA- What are the stats. Add relevant ones

SUMM_BOOST- Summarise and analyse how genre, narrative, representation and production techniques combine to create meaning for the audience.

WOR- A better word could be used maybe?

WHY- Why is this. Explain with evidence or your own thoughts

YAR- Add more on Young and Rubicam in terms of audience pyschometrics  SEE EXAMPLE 

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